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Update the "My Songs" Interface Please!

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:38 pm
by Ryan
Hello Playground Sessions Team,

I've been playing daily for 5 months now, and I'm hooked with a lifetime membership and don't plan on stopping. I love this program. However, the more I play and collect songs, the bigger my song library becomes. It is now getting to the point of being difficult to navigate as there is no easy way to browse this menu (The "my songs" menu). You have 1200+ songs available to purchase/unlock in the "Song store", and while the store has search functions (by genre, difficulty etc), "My Songs" does not. If my personal song library grows to 400+ it's going to be very difficult and frustrating to use.

I know it's a lot off the bat, but please consider some suggestions to the interface, as only one or two of these will make a world of difference:

1) A search function similiar to the one found in the store (by genre, difficulty etc)
2) A function to hide songs (by difficulty, genre, completion etc)
3) A folder function to organize songs into folders of our choice (favorites, completed, genres, difficulties etc)
4) It would also be nice to indicate in some way on the "song store" menu, which songs we have already purchased. You can remove them entirely, gray them out, change to a different color, or add a filter function to remove purchased songs. If I collect 600 songs in my personal library, and there are 600 songs on the store I haven't bought, i'm not going to remember which ones I have already bought. This will lead to repurchasing something on accident, or spending a lot of unnecessary time figuring out which songs I have purchased to avoid repurchasing. I enjoy collecting songs, and would be willing to spend the time/money to buy all the songs on your menu over time, granted the interface is not overwhelming due to lack of filters.

Right now the song tab is just one gigantic list, please provide functions to make it easier to navigate! Playground Sessions has tremendous value and seems to be always growing/improving, and with these features, it won't be bogged down by it's own growth.

Thank you for reading

Re: Update the "My Songs" Interface Please!

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:00 pm
by andrewwegierski
Thanks for posting. Our developers are certainly considering these updates as they work on the new desktop version of the app.
